Some items are referenced twice for easier finding e.g. "John Dada's 5 minute you tube Introduction to Fantsuam" comes under John Dada and Fantsuam. Please send a comment if something you hoped to find here is missing, or a link is not working, and I will try to add/fix it.
* A *
A Ray of Hope My blog entry "Thank you BA and A Ray of Hope
A Ray of Hope Friends, members and affiliations
A Ray of Hope How it started
Akvo - Mark Charmer's organisation
Andrius Kulikauskas, COMMUNIA, and Open Knowledge My blog
Attachab Eco-village. - Cecily's blog - Site visit Friday 5th December 2008 - great photos
* C *
Chatroom Log on here to enter Minciu Sodas worknet chatroom
Chatroom - My blog about it and how to log on
Connecting with Africa - My blog explaining how I got involved
Cicely's blog - my blog about Cecily's blog with easy links to her archive.
* D *
Dadamac Learners My blog - why I set up this online learning community
Dadamac Learners Front page - full details and how to join
Delicious - Delicious "about" page - how to share and organise favourite webpages
DFID's International Growth Centre Launch - My blog
* E *
Ecoshelter Photos Includes Marcus and Pam during Dadamac trip in Sept 2008
Ecoshelter - website relevant to Marcus Simmons who built the Attachab Eco-Dome
eGaia - by Gary Alexander - My blog
Emile Emiabata, Social Impact Businesses and HowDoYouDo - My blog
* F *
Facebook Front page
* F - Fantsuam Foundation (FF) *
Fantsuam Foundation - My blog - a flavour of Fantsuam
Fantsuam Foundation John Dada's 5 minute YouTube introduction
Fantsuam Foundation YouTube by a volunteer in 2007
Fantsuam Foundation - Cicely's great blog with photos and up to date news from Fantsuam
Fantsuam Foundation Wireless Network 2007
FantsuamCLC Self Directed Learners' Blog
Fantsuam Advocacy Centre for Children How it came about
FF Children's Parliament - From Cicely's blog
* F Continued *
Folabi (Fola) Sunday My blog introducing Fola, plus his recent news.
* G *
Ginger Farmers My blog on ginger farmers and how they relate to Teachers Talking
GlueSniffers - Introduction to GlueSniffers (its about appropriate technology and sharing knowledge)
GlueSniffers My blog about GlueSniffers first meeting
* H *
Hackney Silver Surfers
* J *
John Dada's 5 minute YouTube about Fantsuam Foundation
* L *
LearnByDoing My blog address
Learning From Each Other - join me in this yahoo group
* M *
Marcus Simmons - My blog on Marcus, Eco-shelter, Ecodome and Attachab.
Mark Charmer - My blog on Mark Charmer and Akvo
Minciu Sodas worknet chatroom Log on here to enter chatroom
Minciu Sodas worknet chatroom - My blog about it and how to log on
* P *
* P (Pam's blog archive - by date - most recent at the top) *
Pam's LearnByDoing Blog
IT46 and mast at Fantsuam
Africa-Gathering_report_from LIDC
Skinningove Second Life in Italian
Fola_ICT training_and skill surveys
Andrius Kulikauskas, COMMUNIA, and Open Knowledge
WES: World Entrepreneur Society 2009
Pattern language and civil empowerment
CDE eLearning personalisation_seminar
Credit crunch musings
Go to college Get job Borrow from the tea-girl
Nafsiafrika Acrobats Kenya Lithuania video-bridge
Tuttle Club, Lloyd Davis and Temporary School of Thought
Hacking the Recession
Glen at Fantsuam - Canadian view of Nigeria
Happy Birthday Jibrin Perry Dadamac SDL
Yoghurt and a bull - Long-term planning
CDE and GlueSniffers: two_perspectives_on sharing knowledge
Retraining_after_redundancy_in the 21st century
Recession - learning_from_last_time
Marcus_Ecoshelter_Ecodome_and_Attachab Dadamac enabled project 2008 and ongoing
Tom_Ricardo_and_life-saving_learning unusual kind of e-learning - ideal Internet use.
Ken Owino Ken, Nafsi Africa Acrobats, Solar Water Purification and More
Fred Kayiwa and youth project
Dadamac (shortened from Dada and McLean) - how John Dada and I work together
Open Farm and Marcin Jakubowski - something we'd like to replicate/adapt for Attachab
Pattern Language and Helmut Leitner - I'm the beneficiary of an online learning collaboration
Cecily's Blog - Fantsuam Foundation through UK eyes
eGaia - by Gary Alexander
Meet-up (face-to-face not face-to-screen)
DFID's International Growth Centre Launch
Tackling my emails by blogging
Using the Chatroom - The Minciu Sodas Worknets Chatroom
Steve Thompson - People and Place
The Dadamac Learners
Children's Parliament
Folabi Sunday
Rick Crust, Age Concern and Silver Surfers
Connecting with Africa
World Without Poverty – Book and DVDs
List of links
We celebrated TT - November 29th
Fossbox on Friday 28th November
Final arrangements for Sat 29th November
A Flavour of Fantsuam
Thank you BA and "A Ray of Hope"
Ginger Farmers and Teachers Talking Online
Community and Communications
Vinay Gupta
Mark Charmer and Akvo
Another Learn By Doing - can't see who writes it
Emile Emiabata, Social Impact Businesses and HowDoYouDo
Africa++, New Ideas for Africa and Femi Longe
Education, ICT, Nigeria and my friend Caroline Ifeka
Dadamac Meeting – November 19th 2008
Email backlog, blog,Open everything and TT anniversar
TT anniversary coming up
Twitter, blog and KMS
Web design and sharing knowledge
Learning, doing, and a couple of meetings
Sad News From Caroline Ifeka
Pics from Fantsuam now on Picasa
* P (P continued)*
Pan Commonwealth Forum - fifth (PCF5)
People and Place - Front page of project - includes Fantsuam Children's Computer Club
Pyramind of Peace - Youtube
R *
Rick Crust - My blog on visit to Rick, Hackney Silver Surfers, and www4mail
* S *
Silver Surfers Hackney
Steve Thompson - My blog on Steve and his People and Place project at Fantsuam
* T *
Tackling my emails by blogging - Entry in my blog
Teachers Talking 4th anniversary - My report after the celebration on November 29th 2008
Teachers Talking slideshow - prepared for PCF5 workshop
Tuttle Club, Lloyd Davis and Temporary School of Thought - My blog
Twitter - Twitter "about" page
* U *
Useful visitors - changing the shape of international volunteering and skillshare
* V *
Vinay Gupta - My blog on meeting Vinay, with more links about him and his work
* W *
WES: World Entrepreneur Society 2009
Worknets chatroom Log on here to enter chatroom
Worknets chatroom archive Archive of latest chat - may take a little while to load.
Worknets chatroom archive Archive of latest chat - may take a little while to load.
www4mail at Web Navigation & Database Search by Email
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