Monday, 11 May 2009

IT46 and the mast at Fantsuam

Mark Charmer from Akvo has been asking me for more "history" from Fantsuam, so I thought I'd dig around for something about the mast:

I went to the website of IT46 - a Swedish-based IT consultancy company with a vision: knowledge transfer to recipients to promote social change - which enabled the mast to be erected.

On the front page there was a photo relating to Fantsuam (someone giving a presentation about the mast there). A larger version is at where you can see three good photos and these key points

  • Local materials
  • Local skills
I did a search for Fantsuam and found nineteen search results - telling the story of the mast.

The URL below is a direct link to my search results.


The latest entry (with photo) was about storm damage on April 24th:
Ochuko Oneberhie from Fantsuam reported that during a heavy rain storm,the wind bent the
tower from the top. In the course of its fall one of the legs was uprooted from the ground with the foundation.
Several buildings including the old network operation center, a Cisco Laboratory and a neighboring building has been seriously damaged. No
human casualty or injury was involved.

Partners of IT46 are:

bullet2 SIDA - The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agencybullet2 APC - The Association for Progressive Communications
bullet2 University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzaniabullet2 Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
bullet2 Unidade Técnica de Implementação da Polí­tica de Informáticabullet2 International Development Research Centre
bullet2 The Swedish Program for Information and Communication Technology in Developing Regionsbullet2 European Commission - IST
bullet2 DSV -Department of Computer and Systems Sciencesbullet2 UNDP - United Nations Development Programme
bullet2 Olof Palme International Centerbullet2 CICAT - TU Delft
bullet2 Al Akhawayn University Ifranebullet2 Meraka Institute
bullet2 Schoolnet NAbullet2 Cygate

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